Why do you need a Marketing Consultant?


A Marketing Consultant works with clients to develop advertising materials, increase sales and develop the company's customer base

"...an expert in the marketing field to advise companies and their marketing departments on how to better engage with their audience, in a cost effective & efficient way"

Why do you need a Marketing Consultant?

The world of marketing can be complex, time consuming and costly – if you don’t get it quite right, have gaps in your activity or you cant quite get your head around it all then you could be setting yourself up for a fall! Your expertise lies elsewhere and that is why you need a Marketing Consultant – a specialist

If you have a business plan then you should have a clear and robust Marketing plan to support your objectives – if not then you maybe not maximising your Brand’s potential or you are at risk of flaying around trying different Marketing channels without clear goals to focus on plus no clear understanding what effect your marketing is having on your Brand’s performance

In the current climate there are at least 2 key potential issues to think about:

1) Marketing recruitment to find the skill set at an affordable price is tough – Marketeer skills have been in very high demand, salaries have increased and the skill requirements in Marketing are vast…. To try to find a suitable employee who can manage your website AND manage your social Media AND create good-looking creative artwork for your brand – as well as many other tasks required - is a rare breed! Be mindful of EXACTLY what skills you want to recruit!

2) The economy – it is tricky at the moment, and now that we are out of Covid 19, there are many factors that are affecting the economy too – are you a business who is happy to commit to a salary (and all the other associated costs!) for new employee? Do the economic factors stack up for you – what are the risks? If you try to de-risk it with a minimal salary for a new recruit you are at the peril of not getting the right person – lack of experience, or not quite the right skills you are looking for - absolutely you want the right person to fit into your culture but sometimes the right skills are very important too!

So what can a Marketing specialist do for you?

If either of the 2 points above resonate with you, then maybe utilising a Marketing Consultant to be your Marketing specialist maybe the answer you need – by providing you with the skills your business needs plus no employee commitments alongside an agreement – long or short – that fits your budgets, focusing on your priorities and providing support and guidance in the Marketing areas you need

Whether your issues are website related, marketing channel focused or in the digital execution there are practical marketing ways and means to get you heading in the right direction – with no “techy” words or terminology, but simple and easy explanations that will help bring your Marketing requirements to life!

My services at Digitally Driven Consultancy are tailored to your needs – an initial consultation followed by some intense interrogation of your data alongside building a picture of your business, your products or services and your business plan will give me a clear and focused understanding of where your business is performing currently, where the opportunities lie and I will be able to start building a picture of your priorities to focus on

  • Quick wins – low hanging fruit is always a good place to start – get some quick wins under our belt will help to build up trust & confidence and a solid foundation to build on…. Plus reassure you that you have made the right decisions
  • Develop your strengths – do more of what works well for you!
  • Planning & strategy – start to build a picture of how your Marketing future looks
  • Priorities – where are your pinch points that are going to drive your biggest growth? Lets identify them and come up with a plan to get over these hurdles
  • Marketing Channels – where will your customers find you? Where do you need to be? Google is a MUST, but how does Social Media look for your brand and which Social media channels…