My Services

My Ecommerce consultancy and Marketing knowledge, skills & experiences are broad, which enables me review your current activities to get a solid understanding of your business needs quickly - this will be the starting point to create and shape your Ecommerce and Marketing strategy to deliver measurable results.

At Digitally Driven Consultancy, I tailor my Business Consultancy services to each of my clients & Brands individually - depending on your priorities and your business goals. Focus will be on developing your business strengths as well as identifying weaknesses and other opportunities that can be developed into strengths

My dedicated focus will deliver Brand growth efficiently & effectively with KPIs in place to measure against and to provide guidance for what success looks like.

I can work with you as an Outsourced Marketing Director - as an extension of your team - so whether you need consultancy or hands on support then I will work accordingly to your needs & priorities, to deliver the best results.

Contact me: 07843 614274

Ecommerce Consultancy:

  • Replatforming project management & Consultancy
  • Create & develop your Ecommerce online Trading strategy
  • Website Audit - focusing on UX and data analysis to provide recommendations for improvement and optimising
  • SEO - reviewing standards and actioning requirements to improve standards
  • UX - introduce & develop CRO and AB testing to improve website usage and journey
  • Identify technology to enhance performance
  • Content - ensuring the right content is being created and published on the website
  • Agency review - assisting brands to understand if they are getting good value for money from their existing web agency and recommending better ways of working (or better agencies if needed!)
  • Coaching & Training - help to upskill their inhouse team to develop their processes and ways of working
  • Create a Website development roadmap to improve KPIs such as CVR and engagement measures (ultimately revenue)


  • Audit & review of current activity - provide data and recommendation based on performance
  • Identify gaps within your marketing channels and provide recommendations
  • Create a structured strategy to develop marketing activity - short, medium and long term goals to encompass all marketing channels across the whole marketing funnel
  • Identify cost savings and efficiencies
  • Identify & onboard technology to improve performance
  • Digital Marketing: Email, PPC, Paid Social Media & Affiliate marketing - developing activity with a focus on ROI
  • Cost analyses and budget planning
  • Agency review - assisting brands to understand if they are getting value for money from their marketing agency and recommending better ways of working - improve relationships between Brands and Agencies
  • Coaching & Training - help to upskill in-house teams and individuals to develop their knowledge, processes and ways of working

Business Development:

  • I focus on driving business growth - keeping it sensible and aligned to your structure & cashflow
  • Create & develop your Ecommerce Strategy and Marketing Strategy, aligned to your Business Strategy & goals
  • Full cost assessment and margins assessment
  • Identify & develop a commercial Ecommerce business strategy that fits with overall business activity
  • Linking your Ecommerce activity to the rest of your business
  • Team skill assessment & review with recommendations to develop skill gaps
  • Team development, coaching & training on an individual basis
  • Technology – assess business current usage - identify gaps and provide recommendations for success
  • Identify potential cost savings
  • Website & Marketplaces focus
  • B2C and B2B focus


  • Developing campaign planning & management across all marketing channels
  • Develop a trading mentality within the business with a Commercial focus on Best Sellers, Key Selling periods and a hunger to succeed
  • Carry out cost analysis and margin analysis with recommendations to improve
  • Develop ways of working & processes between the ecommerce/ marketing team and product/ merchandising teams
  • Developing reporting capabilities and usage - for quality and to enable sensible decision making
  • Evolve & develop operational needs for your Ecommerce business for efficiencies and serve your customer better
  • Evolve business ways of working and processes to achieve "best practice" for an ecommerce business - tailored to business needs, structure and requirements
  • Coaching & Training - help to upskill inhouse teams to develop their knowledge, processes and ways of working

The Principles of How I Work

Pillars to success | Digitally Driven Consultancy