Marketing Consultancy

You maybe looking to advance your Marketing activity to scale and drive growth in your business, but you may not be sure what is the best approach or the best strategy is to achieve this - such as what Marketing Channels, budget requirements and indeed Marketing content & asset requirements needed to engage with your potential customers & clients

You need to find the skills & expertise to do this with you, and a good cost-effective way of bringing this level of skills & knowledge into your business is by utilising a Marketing Consultant, who can be flexible to your needs and budgets and work within your timeframes that suit you without the need to hire a full time Manager into your business

Find out more about My Services here

Marketing Consultancy | Digitally Driven Consultancy

A Marketing Consultant is a professional service provider offering expert advice, guidance, and strategic recommendations to businesses and organisations of all sizes and in any sector to help them improve their marketing activity, achieve their objectives, and to overcome specific marketing challenges.

The role of a marketing consultant can vary widely depending on the needs of the client - you may also want to consider an Outsourced Marketing Director, where albeit the outcome is the same the approach can vary depending on what your objectives are

So what does a Marketing Consultant do?

Well, my range of services are vast and there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution as each business has different priorities, a different pace of work and budgets at hand - they key really is about creating a strategy to develop further your existing strengths and create a plan of action to overcome any obstacles or areas of weakness

Here is a quick overview of my services that I can offer:

Market Research

  • Analysing the competitive landscape
  • Understanding sector trends
  • Understand consumer behaviour

These help to shape the Marketing strategy required to target the right customer for your Brand

Strategy Development

  • Target audience
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand messaging & tactics

Aligning business goals & objectives as well as defining who & where are your customers

Campaign Planning

  • Setting campaign goals
  • Determining which Marketing Channels for what activity
  • Content creation

Planning is essential for creating a successful campaign - alongside these elements above you also need to consider time-frames for any campaigns you are running to define an end date for consumer clarity so you can ensure your messaging builds to the conclusion

Digital Marketing

  • SEO optimisations
  • PPC advertising
  • Paid Social Media activity
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Social Media activity
  • Website UX optimisations

Provide expert knowledge and skills for your campaigns

Branding & Positioning

  • Building or enhancing your Brand identity
  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Tone of voice, and look & feel

Creating & ensuring Brand consistency across all Marketing touchpoints

Marketing Analytics

  • Measuring your ROI
  • Understanding if a campaign has been a success
  • Take learnings to optimise future campaigns

Whether you have a CRM or Google Analytics, analysing data is essential to grow success

Training & Workshops

  • Support Internal Marketing teams
  • 1-on-1 or team delivery
  • Upskilling or processes

Learning Best practices, processes and tools can establish good foundations for growth

Marketing Audits

  • Build an understanding of your current activity
  • Identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunity
  • Identify skill gaps and technology efficiencies

The audit provides the basis of recommendations for improvement & development

Budgets & Resources

  • Assist with forecasting analysis
  • Ensure budgets are allocated to the right channel & tactics
  • Ensure budgets are allocated to support the strategy & business goals

The importance here is ensuring a healthy ROI through efficient Marketing spend

Advisory Role

  • Support and assist with advice and ideas to deliver growth
  • Be on-hand with developing strategy and provide expert opinion
  • Stand back and assess the bigger picture

As you grow, your marketing activity needs to evolve - consultancy is a cost effective route to support this

Client Collaboration

  • Build and develop strong working relationships
  • Work closely to understand your unique challenges, goals & constraints
  • Maintain a focused open communication channel

My way of working is to be an extension of your team and your Brand

Implementing Recommendations

Depending on your needs, I can assist in implementing my recommendations, such as:

  • Setting up & optimising ad campaigns
  • Introducing new technology to enable growth 
  • Optimizing websites UX and SEO standards
  • Developing content strategies

The end goal is always growth and ensuring you are getting the best ROI is essential for any marketing activity to drive & grow profitability so you can re-invest back into your brand

Every business is different

Every Brand is different

Every Marketing Consultant is different - choosing the right one for your Brand can make a difference.

Understanding what you need isn't something you know from the start - a Marketing Consultant can help you understand what your business needs and where the focus on priorities is needed for the best outcome - sometimes an outside view can provide the best perspective

If you would like a chat, please get in touch!